On Saturday, 19th of November, the State Border Guard officers had detected 39 offenders at the external borders and inside the country.

31 border offenders were detected at the external borders, including:

  • Six foreigners were refused entry to Latvia

At the Vientuli, Grebneva, Pāternieki and Riga Airport Border Control Points, one Ukrainian, one Russian and one Kazakh citizen were refused entry to Latvia because of lack of a valid visa or residence permit and one Georgian citizen was refused entry to and stay in the territory of the Schengen area countries. Two other Russian citizens were refused entry to Latvia due to security reasons. The persons were returned to the country of departure.

  • Six foreigners were found in breach of residence conditions

Three Russian, one Belarusian, one Ukrainian and one Moldovan citizens were found at the Paternieki and Terehova Border Control Points to have violated the conditions of residence (overstay of visa, no valid visa or residence permit) in the Schengen area countries. One Russian citizen was not charged with an administrative offence, the others were held administratively liable.

  • Four Latvian citizens were refused exit from the country

Three Latvian citizens leaving for London and one for Manchester, whose documents are not valid for departure to the United Kingdom, were detected at the border control point of Riga Airport. They were refused exit from the country.

For infringements in the field of operation of vehicles and vessels, State Border Guard officials held eight persons administratively liable or refused to cross the border - four Russian, one Belarusian, one Kazakh, one citizen of Tajikistan and one citizen of Kazakhstan.

Information provided by Ginta Skangale

Strategic Development and Public Relations Unit

of the Central Board of the State Border Guard,

phone  67075617, e-mail: ginta.skangale@rs.gov.lv