
On Tuesday, 19th of October, the State Border Guard officers had detected 52 offenders at the external borders and within the country.

At the external borders, 23 border offenders were detected, including:

  • One wanted person apprehended

One Latvian non-citizen arriving in Latvia from Berlin, who has been wanted by the police, was detected at the Riga Airport border control point. The person was detained and handed over to the State Police.

  • Four foreign nationals refused entry to Latvia

One citizen of Ukraine, one citizen of Armenia and one citizen of Uzbekistan were refused entry to Latvia at the Vientuli and Terehova border control points as they did not have a valid visa or residence permit. Another Ukrainian citizen has been refused entry to Latvia for security reasons. The persons were returned to the country of departure.

  • Violations of residence conditions were detected for seven foreigners

Two Russian, two Georgian, one Kazakh, one Ukrainian and one British citizen were found at the Paternieki, Terehova and Riga Airport Border Control Points to have violated the conditions of stay (overstay of visa or visa-free regime, no valid visa or residence permit) in Schengen area countries. No case was opened against the British citizen, the others were held administratively liable.

  • Two Latvian nationals refused exit

At the Riga Airport Border Control Point, one Latvian citizen departing for London was found with an invalid document for departure to the United Kingdom and one Latvian citizen departing for London without a valid travel document (the document was reported stolen or lost). They were refused exit from the country.

Two persons - one Russian and one Belarusian citizen - were found in breach of the rules on entry or residence during in-country immigration control measures.

For infringements in the field of operation of vehicles and vessels, State Border Guard officials have held 23 persons administratively liable or refused to cross the border - four Lithuanian, three Belarusian, three Moldovan, two Latvian, two Russian, two Ukrainian, two German, one Estonian, one Kyrgyz, one Serbian and one Czech citizen.

Information provided by Ginta Skangale

Strategic Development and Public Relations Unit

of the Central Board of the State Border Guard,

phone  67075617, e-mail: