
State Border Guard College lecturer Major Juris Madžuls was selected as an expert for implementation of BOMCA 9 Activity 2.1.1+ "Identification and profiling of foreign terrorist fighters" in Uzbekistan on 21 - 23 February 2018 and in Turkmenistan on 26 - 28 February 2018.

The main goal of the Activity was introducing representatives of Uzbek and Turkmen border guarding institutions with the latest information on the identification and profiling of foreign terrorist fighters. The participants of the workshop were acquainted with the experience of the European Union and the State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia in identifying and profiling different categories of persons crossing borders. Discussions about the existing national regulatory framework in the field of identification and profiling in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan took place during the Activity. At the end of this technical mission the State Border Guard expert prepared recommendations in order to improve the existing normative bases and instructions, as well as developed draft methodology for the identification and profiling of foreign terrorist fighters.

On 11 June 2015 Grant Agreement DCI-ASIE / 2015 / 358-348: "Border Management in Central Asia - 9th Phase (BOMCA 9)" was signed between the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia according to which the implementation of the Project activities was commenced on 15 June 2015. The State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia was designated as the Lead institution in the implementation of BOMCA 9 project and its Consortium leader.

Information prepered by Inguna Neimane