On Monday, April 19, border guards on the road in Kraslava region after an unsuccessful escape attempt detained a man driving the car without a valid driving licence, while the vehicle has not undergone a national roadworthiness test and Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance (OCTA).
On Monday evening, while carrying out service duties, border guards on the road in Kraslava-Caplava-Lielborne (border area) spotted a BMW brand car, the driver of which was a Latvian non-citizen, born in 1982. To the lawful requirements of border guards to stop the vehicle, its driver did not react and continued his movement. The border guards began the pursuit of BMW, which resulted in stopping the vehicle, but when the border guards arrived at the car, the driver began to move again at high speed and fled. As the border guards began again their pursuit, the driver of the BMW was unable to control the car and drove off the roadway, as a result - the car crashed into a ditch.
Examining the personal and vehicle data, the border guards established that the man’s driving licence has been withdrawn, he had 11 active administrative penalties and a security measure - residence in a specific place - has been applied to him, while the vehicle has not undergone a national roadworthiness test and Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance (OCTA).
The decision to initiate proceedings regarding the non-compliance of a person with the lawful requirements of border guards will be made within three working days, while the offender will be handed over to the State Police officials for further procedural actions.