Konstatētie pārkāpumi
6 viltojumi

Last week, six persons - three citizens of Ukraine, two – of Iran and one - of Belarus, were detained by border guards for using forged documents.

At the Terehova Border Control Point 1 citizen of Ukraine, who crossing the state border with his vehicle presented to border guards forged Ukrainian vehicle driving license, was detected.

At the Silene Border Control Point 1 citizen of Belarus, entered Latvia by vehicle, was detained for using the forged Polish driving license.

At the Vientuļi Border Control Point 1 citizen of Ukraine, who presented a forged registration certificate for a Ukrainian vehicle, was detected; while at the Grebņeva Border Control Point one citizen of Ukraine, who used a forged Ukrainian driving license, was detected.

At the „Riga” Airport Border Control Point, 2 citizens of Iran, entered the state from Istanbul and during the border check of their travel documents they were found to have forged Spanish passports, were detected.

In all cases criminal proceedings were initiated for using forged documents. The forged documents were seized within the framework of the criminal process.