Konstatētie pārkāpumi
Robežsargi no Daugavas ”izzvejo” cigarešu plostu

On Monday, border guard stopped the illegal movement of cigarettes across the border between Latvia and Belarus. A raft with smuggled cigarettes was pulled out of the Daugava River.

Officials of the Piedruja Border Guarding Unit, while carrying out a state border inspection using technical surveillance equipment, noticed a suspicious object floating along the Daugava River. The object was pulled out of the river with the help of a State Border Guard’s motorboat.  While looking at the object, the border guards found 120 000 "PRIMER" cigarettes with Belarusian excise stamps.

In accordance with Section 191, Paragraph three of the Criminal Law criminal proceedings were initiated for smuggling committed on a large scale.

Information provided by Ginta Skangale

Strategic Development and Public Relations Unit

of the Central Board of the State Border Guard,

phone  67075617, e-mail: ginta.skangale@rs.gov.lv