FOTO: VRS apmeklē Frontex aģentūras Operacionālās pārvaldības departamenta Kontingenta pārvaldības nodaļas koordinācijas virsnieks

From October 1 to October 4, 2024, Mr Rui Melro – Coordination Officer of the Contingent Management Unit of the Operational Management Division of the Frontex, visited structural units of the State Border Guard.

The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted in person with Frontex’s Joint Operation "Terra 2024"operational area in Latvia, to meet with representatives of the State Border Guard and Frontex’s Standing Corps experts, which are hosted in the structural units of the State Border Guard.

The visit finalised on October 4, 2024 at the Headquarters of the State Border Guard in the debriefing meeting attended by Frontex’s Coordination Officer Mr Rui Melro together with Frontex Liaison Officer to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Mr Vygintas Kaziukonis and officials of the European Union Affairs Board of the State Border Guard. During debriefing meeting several operational issues were discussed as well as future cooperation plans.

Frontex’s Coordination Officer Mr Rui Melro assessed positively the operational area in Latvia and the professionalism of appointed coordinators of structural units of the State Border Guard, their willingness to cooperate and provide support to the deployed experts of the Frontex’s Standing Corps.

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State Border Guard European Union Affairs Board Joint Operations Unit