FOTO: Uzraksts robežsardze

On Tuesday, June 22, officials of the criminal investigation units of the State Border Guard completed an investigation into the part of the criminal proceedings launched in the spring of this year against six members of the organized group, dividing the criminal case and sending it to the Prosecutor's Office of Daugavpils with a proposal to prosecute six suspected persons for the illegal manufacturing of tobacco products in large quantities and in an organized group, that was detained at the time of the offence on 22 April of this year.

At that time, border guards removed more than 15 million cigarettes without excise stamps and 1.5 tons of crushed tobacco leaves.

The criminal proceedings initiated following the signs of the composition of the criminal offence provided for in Section 221, Paragraph three of the Criminal Law (regarding illegal manufacturing (production) of tobacco products to a large extent, if such has been done by an organized group), were located in the proceedings of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the State Border Guard.

It has already been reported that on 22 April, as a result of the investigation activities carried out in criminal proceedings, border guards in Daugavpils detained six Ukrainian citizens in a farm building, who were involved in manufacturing counterfeit cigarettes of  “Winston” and “Marlboro” brand, but during the search of premises an illegal cigarette factory with manufacturing equipment and raw materials was identified. Overall, as part of the criminal proceedings, border guards removed 14 959 909 cigarettes “Winston” and 50 180 cigarettes “Marlboro” without excise stamps and about 1.5 tons of crushed tobacco leaves.

Prepered by:

Jolanta Babiško