FOTO: Robežsargs dienestā

During the holiday week border guards detected 21 person with fake Covid-19 tests, as well as two persons, who presented to border guards foreign digital Covid-19 certificates.

On Friday, June 25, during immigration control 2 Lithuanian citizens were detected in the Rucava Parish, Rucava Municipality: 1 Finnish citizen - in Ainaži, 1 Latvian citizen in Eleja Parish, Jelgava Municipality, 11 Ukrainian and 1 Romanian citizen in Brunava Parish, Bauska Municipality with fake Covid-19 tests. While at the “Riga” Airport Border Control Point 1 Latvian citizen entered from London with a fake Covid-19 test and 1 Latvian citizen (female) entered from Antalya, who presented to border guards a foreign digital Covid-19 certificate, were detected.  

On Saturday, June 26, while conducting immigration control, three Lithuanian citizens were detected in the Rucava Parish, Rucava Municipality with fake Covid-19 tests; while at the “Riga” Airport Border Control Point1 Latvian citizen entered from Cyprus with a foreign digital Covid-19 certificate.

Record-keeping in an administrative violation matter was commenced against the Ukrainian, Romanian and 3 Latvian citizens, other persons were fined in accordance with Section 3(1) of the Law on Administrative Penalties for Offences in the Field of Administration, Public Order, and Use of the Official Language: the Lithuanian citizens - with 200 euros, the Finnish citizen - with 500 euros, but 1 Latvian citizen - with 680 euros.

It has already been reported that on Monday, June 21, at the “Riga” Airport Border Control Point 1 Latvian citizen entered from the United Kingdom with a fake Covid-19 test was detected. Record-keeping in an administrative violation matter was commenced against the person.

In total, the border guards have already detected 271 person, who presented fake Covid-19 tests, which do not corresponding to the samples available to the State Border Guard.

Prepered by:

Jolanta Babiško