During the holidays, border guards detected further offenders who showed false COVID-19 tests to border guards. Three persons with false COVID-19 tests were detected on Saturday and nine persons on Sunday.

On Sunday, June 5, two Lithuanian citizens whose were leaving to London and one person from Bangladesh  arriving to Greece territory with false COVID-19 test also were detected at the border control point in the International ,,Riga’’ Airport.

On Sunday, June 6, two persons of Belorussia arriving to Latvia were detected at Grebneva border control point, while two Latvia Republic citizens arriving from Barcelona at the ,,Riga’’ Airport and two Ukranian citizens were detected in Ainazi duering immigration control, while two Lithuanian and one Swedish citizen in Eleya parish (Yelgava Municipality) presented false COVID-19tests to border guards.

Persons have been punished according to Section three, Paragraph one of the Administrative Punishment Law regarding violations in the field of administration public order and use the official language: Citizens of Belorussia with a fine of 100 Euros; Latvian citizens with a fine of 350 Euros; and two Lithuanians and one Bangladesh citizen with a fine of 680 euros.

On the working days of the previous week several attempts used false COVID-19 tests carried out by citizens of Lithuania, Russia, Belorussia, Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, Colombia and Cameroon. Persons have been fined between 200-500 euros.

In total, the border guards have already been detected 194 persons who presented false COVID-19 tests, which does not match to the samples to  disposal of the State Border guard.