
On Tuesday, October 13, officials from the State Border Guard on the external borders and inside the country identified 21 offenders.

Six border offenders have been identified at the external borders, including:

  • One foreigner found with fake documents

One Ukrainian citizen was identified at a border inspection post in Terehova, who presented a fake Ukrainian driving licence to border guards. . Criminal proceedings have been launched on the use of counterfeit documents s. The falsified document has been removed during criminal proceedings.

  • Three foreigners are denied entry to Latvia

One Russian citizen was denied entry to Latvia at the border inspection post of Riga because the third-country national did not have a valid visa or residence permit, while two Belarusian citizens were denied entry to Latvia at the border inspection post of the Pathermen because the foreigners had violated the regulation No. of 9 June 2020. .360 “epidemiological security measures to limit the spread of Covid - 19 infection” requirement s. Persons returned to the country of exit.

  • Breach of residence conditions found for one third-country national

The border inspection post of the “Riga” airport identified one holder of the travel document of a foreign national of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who had violated the conditions of residence (exceeded the duration of the visa) in the countries of the Schengen area. . The person has been held to administrative responsibility.

In the framework of immigration control measures within the country, violations of the entry or residence rules have been identified for six persons – two Lithuanian, two Ukrainian, one Russian and one Latvian citizen.

Officials of the State Border Guard have called for administrative responsibility for violations in the field of the operation of vehicles and vessels or have refused to cross the border with nine persons – four Belarusian, two Lithuanian, one Latvian, one Danish and one Ukrainian citizen.

Prepared by:

Jolanta Babiško