
On Thursday the 9th of January, 2020 the State Border Guard's officials detected 30 offenders at external borders and within the country.

15 trespassers were detected at external borders, including:

1 foreigner with forged documents was detected

At the "Riga" Airport Border Control Point 1 citizen of Russia, entered Latvia with forged Schengen border stamp in his passport, was detected. The person was subject to administrative liability.

3 foreigners were refused entry into Latvia

At the Pāternieki, the Terehova and the "Riga" Airport Border Control Points 2 citizens of Belarus were refused entry into Latvia, as the foreigners were not in possession of valid visa or residence permit; as well as 1 citizen of Ukraine was refused entry into Latvia, as the foreigner has a ban to enter into and stay in the territory of the Schengen Area. The persons were returned to the exit countries.

Violations of resident conditions were detected to 1 foreigner

At the "Riga" Airport Border Control Point 1 citizen of Russia, who violated the conditions of residence in the territory of the Schengen states (exceeded the period of stay laid down in a visa), was detected. The person was subject to administrative liability.

While carrying out immigration control measures within the country violations of entry or residence conditions were detected to 7 persons - 3 citizens of Ukraine, 2 - of India, 1 - of Russia and 1 - of Moldova.

For violation of terms and conditions in the field of operation of vehicles and vessels 8 persons were subjected to administrative liability or were refused to cross the border by officials of the State Boarder Guard of Latvia - 5 citizens of Belarus, 1 - of Latvia, 1 - of Ukraine and 1 - of Russia.