
On Thursday the 30th of January, 2020 the State Border Guard's officials detected 36 offenders at external borders and within the country.

20 trespassers were detected at external borders, including:

1 citizen of Latvia, who is on the police wanted list, was detained

At the "Riga" Airport Border Control Point 1 citizen of Latvia leaving Riga for Dublin, who is on the Police wanted list, was detected. The man, born in 1995, was detained and handed over to the State Police officers.

8 foreigners were refused entry into Latvia

At the Terehova, the Pāternieki, the Grebņeva and the "Riga" Airport Border Control Points 2 citizens of Russia, 1 - of Belarus and 1 - of Ireland were refused entry into Latvia, as the foreigners were not in possession of valid visa or residence permit; as well as 1 citizen of Belarus and 3 - of Ukraine were refused entry into the country, as the foreigners could not justify the purpose and conditions of entry into and stay in the country and they were not in possession of sufficient means of subsistence to visit the Schengen states. The persons were returned to the exit countries.

Violations of resident conditions were detected to 1 foreigner

At the "Riga" Airport Border Control Point 1 citizen of Russia, who violated the conditions of residence in the territory of the Schengen states (was not in possession of valid visa or residence permit), was detected. The person was subject to administrative liability.

While carrying out immigration control measures within the country violations of entry or residence conditions were detected to 6 persons - 2 citizens of Lithuania, 2 - of Uzbekistan, 1 - of Latvia and 1 - of Russia.

For violation of terms and conditions in the field of operation of vehicles and vessels 10 persons were subjected to administrative liability or were refused to cross the border by officials of the State Boarder Guard of Latvia - 4 citizens of Belarus, 2 - of Latvia, 2 - of Lithuania, 1 - of Georgia and 1 - of Kirgizstan.