
On Sunday the 12th of July, 2020 the State Border Guard's officials detected 16 offenders at external borders and within the country.

10 trespassers were detected at external borders, including: violations of resident conditions were detected to 5 foreigners. At the Terehova Border Control Point 4 citizens of Russia and 1 - of Ukraine, who violated the conditions of residence in the territory of the Schengen states (did not possess valid visa or residence permit, exceeded the period of stay of the visa-free regime, exceeded the period of stay laid down in a visa), were detected. Administrative sanction was not imposed.

For violation of terms and conditions in the field of operation of vehicles and vessels 6 persons were subjected to administrative liability or were refused to cross the border by officials of the State Boarder Guard of Latvia - 3 citizens of Russia, 1 - of Latvia, 1 - of German and 1 - of Belarus.