On Wednesday, the 2nd of June State Border Guard officials at the external border within the country detected 49 offenders.

At the external border 18 offenders were detected:

  • 10 persons with forged documents were detected

While carrying out immigration control in the Brunava Parish of the Bauskas Municipality 7 citizen of Latvia with fake Covid-19 tests were detected, as well as  in the Rucava Parish of the Rucava Municipality 2 citizens of  Lithuania and 1 – of Russia with fake Covid-19 tests were detected. Persons were held administratively liable. 

  • 2 foreigners were refused entry into Latvia

At the Grebneva Border Control oint 1 citizen of Kazahstan was refused entry into Latvia  as the foreigner was not in possession of valid visa or residence permit, while at the Airport “Rīga” Border Control Point 1 citizen of Ukrain was refused entry into Latvia, as the foreigner violated Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 360 "Epidemiological precautions to control the spread of Covid - 19 infection". Persons were returned to the exit country.

  • Violations of resident conditions were detected to 4 foreigners

At the Terehova and Airport “Rīga” Border Control Points 4 citizens of Russia, who violated the conditions of residence in the territory of the Schengen states (was not in possession of valid visa or residence permit), were detected. Record-keeping regarding administrative violations committed by the one citizen of Russia was not commenced, other persons were subject to administrative liability.

While carrying out immigration control measures within the country violations of entry or residence conditions were detected to 22 persons – 6 citizens of Latvia, 5 – of Germany, 4 – of Estonia, 4 – of Lithuania, 1 – of Ukrain, 1 – of Russia and 1 – of Kazahstan.

For violation of terms and conditions in the field of operation of vehicles and vessels 9 persons were subjected to administrative liability or was refused to cross the border by officials of the State Boarder Guard – 3 citizens of Belarus, 2 – of Kyrgyzstan, 2 – of Latvia, 1 – of Ukrain and 1 – of Kazahstan.

Prepered by:

Jolanta Babiško