On Tuesday the 11th of May, 2021 the State Border Guard's officials detected 37 offenders at external borders and within the country.

10 trespassers were detected at external borders, including

  • 4 persons with forged documents were detected

During imigration control, in Ilukste district 2 citizens of Lithuania with forged Covid-19 tests were detected. Administrative proceeding has been initiated against 2 citizens of Lithuania. In Silene Border control point 1 citzen of Kazahstan with forged car technical inspection certificate. The forged document was seized. While in Grebneva Border control point 1 citzen of Serbia with forged driving license. Criminal proceedings have been initiated for the use of forged documents. The forged document was seized.

  • 1 person, who are on the police wanted list, was detained

At the "Riga" Airport Border Control Point 1 citizen of Latvia exited to Cyprus, who is on the police wanted list, was detected. The woman, born in 1989 was detained and handed over to the State Police officers.

While carrying out immigration control measures within the country violations of entry or residence conditions were detected to 25 persons – 6 citizens of Ukrain, 5 – of Romania 4 – of Latvia, 3 – of Russia, 2 – of Turkey, 1 – of Estonia, 1 – of Austria, 1 – of Finland, 1 – of Uzbekistan and 1 – of Germany.

For violation of terms and conditions in the field of operation of vehicles and vessels 2 persons were subjected to administrative liability or was refused to cross the border by officials of the State Boarder Guard – 1 citizen of Latvia and 1 – of Kazahstan.

Prepered by:

Jolanta Babiško