
On Monday, 28 May, 2018, officials of the State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia have detected 33 offenders on both external borders and within the country.

8 trespassers were detected at external borders, including:

• 1 citizen of Serbia was detained with forged documents:

At "Grebņeva" Border Control Point 1 citizen of Serbia, travelling out of the Republic of Latvia, with forged Serbian driver's license. Criminal proceeding was initiated for the use of forged documents. Person, born in 1965, was arrested and placed in the State Police short - term place of detention;

• Latvian citizen, who was on the wanted-list, was detained:

At Airport "Riga" Border Control Point, citizen of Latvia, who was on the State Police's wanted-list, in order to ensure execution of the sentence related to imprisonment. Person, born in 1986, was arrested and placed in the State Police short - term place of detention;

• entry to the Republic of Latvia was refused for 1 foreigner:

At "Pāternieki" Border Control Point 1 citizen of Russia was refused the right to enter the Republic of Latvia, as person was not in a possession of valid visa or residence permit. Person was returned to the country of exit.

While carrying out immigration control measures within the country, violations of entry or residence were detected to 7 persons - 3 citizens of Lithuania, 1 citizen of Estonia, 1 citizen of Latvia, 1 citizen of Russia and 1 citizen of Brazil.

Within the framework of vehicles and vessels operation, 18 persons were subjected to administrative liability by officials of the State Border Guard of Latvia - 10 citizens of Russia, 2 citizens of Lithuania, 2 citizens of Latvia, 3 citizens of Estonia and 1 citizen of Belarus.

  Information prepared by Kristine Petersone