
On Monday, 15 October, officials of the State Border Guard at the external borders and within the country detected 24 offenders.

At the external borders 10 offenders were detected, including:

Entry to Latvia was denied to 1 foreigner

At Silenes Border Control Point entry to the country was denied to 1 citizen of Belorussia as the foreigner had already stayed 90 days from the last period of 180 days in the territory of Schengen states. Person was returned to the country of departure.

Breach of the stay requirements identified to 1 foreigner:

At "Riga" airport Border Control Point 1 citizen of Russia was detected who had violated residence regulations in the territory of Schengen states (exceeded period stated in visa). Person was subjected to the administrative liability.

Immigration control measures inside the country, violations of entry or stay regulations were detected to 7 persons - 3 citizens of Estonia, 2 of Lithuania, 1 of Azerbaijan and 1 of Russia.

On infringements in the field of vehicle and vessels operations, the State Border Guard officials have called for administrative liability 7 persons - 2 citizens of Russia, 2 of Latvia, 1 of Lithuania, 1 of Kyrgyzstan and 1 of Estonia.