FOTO: Covidpass pārbaude

The government has adopted stricter rules for all travellers by stipulating that negative COVID-19 test result performed according to the most internationally recognized accurate method, will be required to enter Latvia from January 25. People who have developed COVID-19 recently (up to three months) will need to show a doctor’s certificate that they are not infectious.

The additional security measures are aimed preventing the introduction of a viral infection and encouraging the population to move only for important reasons, family circumstances, or work.

From January 25, upon entering Latvia, only one type of test will be valid, namely, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. The PCR test is widely used worldwide because it is the most internationally recognized method for the detection of COVID-19.

As previously reported, from January 15, in order to enter Latvia, a confirmation of a negative COVID-19 test result is required and this must be noted in the filled-in questionnaire. The test must be performed not earlier than 72 hours before boarding the carrier’s vehicle or before crossing the Latvian border individually, for example, by private road transport. Persons who have contracted COVID-19 must present a doctor’s certificate confirming that the individual is not infectious in order to enter Latvia.

Observing the requirement of 10 days of self-isolation and other epidemiological safety instructions of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control after entering from abroad with a high risk of infection remains the same.

We still call for a responsible assessment of the need to travel and a thorough examination of the epidemiological safety requirements of the countries, through or to which a traveller must go.

Prepered by:

Ministry of Transport