FOTO:  Igaunijas, Latvijas un Lietuvas robežapsardzības iestāžu priekšnieku tikšanās rokasspiediens

On February 6-7, the Chiefs of Border Guard authorities of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania met within the framework of the Border Guard Sub-Committee of the Baltic Council of Ministers (BCM) in the Republic of Estonia.

During the visit, the situation at the external border of the European Union (EU) and within the countries, the support of the Lithuanian and Estonian Border Guard authorities to the State Border Guard at the Latvia-Belarus border in September-November 2023, as well as other issues were discussed.

The Estonian delegation presented an analysis of the implementation of the BCM Action Plan 2023, and the delegations got acquainted with the draft BCM Action Plan 2024 under the Presidency of Lithuania, which was approved by the Chiefs of Border Guard authorities of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania during the meeting.

Delegations exchanged information on changes in the service and structure. During the event, the State Border Guard informed about the development plans regarding the Liaison Officers Points of the State Border Guard.

The BCM is a cooperation body of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian governments, established on June 13, 1994.  The Presidency of the BCM among the Baltic states changes every year. In 2022, Latvia was a country holding the Presidency of the BCM, in 2023 - Estonia and in 2024 - Lithuania.

Information prepared by Jolanta Babiško,

State Border Guard, Strategic Development and Public Relations Unit,

phone 67075617, e-mail: