Konstatētie pārkāpumi

For the second time in the last two weeks, border guards have had to use their firearm to stop illegal migrants: on Sunday, August 20 five men who had previously illegally crossed the border between Latvia and Belarus were detained.

During border surveillance, border guards in Silene Parish detected signs of illegal crossing of the State border. Dog handlers with service dogs were involved into the search for offenders.

Four citizens of Congo and one - of Senegal have been detained in the village of Silene. The men disobeyed the legal demands of the border guards and fled. Border guards had to use their service firearm to detain the men and fire a warning shot into the air.

Border violators have been returned to the country of departure in accordance with the regulatory procedures specified by the enhanced border guarding system.

Information prepared by: Ginta Skangale,

State Border Guard, Strategic Development and Public Relations Unit,

phone 67075617, e-mail: ginta.skangale@rs.gov.lv