FOTO: Kuģis Rānda jūrā

On September 4, 2024, a regular rotation of experts was carried out as part of the 9th operational period within Joint Operations coordinated by the Frontex. During this period, the State Border Guard continues to provide operational support to European Union Member States and third countries by involving individual experts and technical equipment to strengthen border control measures and manage migration flows.

As of September 4, the State Border Guard is providing support in Joint Operations coordinated by Frontex at the external borders of the European Union in Greece, Italy, Estonia, Germany, France, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania, as well as in third countries - Serbia, Montenegro, Moldova and Albania.

In total, 32 Frontex standing corps experts from various Member States of the European Union (Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Austria, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia and Spain) are situated in the territorial units of the State Border Guard, providing significant support in ensuring the security of Latvia's external borders.

In addition, from the July 30 till October 30, 2024, the Multipurpose Maritime Operation “MMO Baltic Sea 2024” is being carried out in the Baltic Sea, implemented by Frontex, the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), with technical resources from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. The State Border Guard is contributing to this operation with its technical resources – one costal patrol vessel and three costal patrol boats – in cooperation with other Baltic states to control illegal migration, to tackle cross-border crime at sea, enhance cooperation in law enforcement agencies coast guard activities, as well as support search and rescue operations at sea.

At the same time, in September, 2024, as part of the staff exchange program within the Frontex’s Joint Operation “Terra 2024”, three guest experts are being hosted at the Focal Points established by the State Border Guard, aimed at promoting cooperation and sharing best practices.

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State Border Guard European Union Affairs Board Joint Operations Unit