Konstatētie pārkāpumi
Robežsargi saistībā ar tabakas izstrādājumu nelikumīgu apriti aiztur divas personas

On October 31, 2022 the border guards apprehended two people in Daugavpils for storing, movement and selling tobacco goods illegally.

On Sunday, as a consequence of operational measures, one citizen of Latvia and one citizen of Russia were detained by the officials of the State Border Guard detained on Dravnieku Str., for carrying out illegal storage, movement and sale of tobacco products.

In accordance with Article 221 (3) of the Criminal Law, criminal proceeding have been brought against males born in 1966 and 1972 (on illegal movement of tobacco products, if it has been committed on a significant scale).

In accordance with the decision of the head of proceedings, searches were carried out at two residences in Daugavpils with the assistance of the Canine expert of the Customs of the State Revenue Service after gaining the prosecutor’s approval. As a consequence, the border guards searched both residences and found 29,840 cigarettes of various brands, both with and without Belarusian excise stamps, as well as 8970,00 EUR in cash.

Information provided by Ginta Skangale

Strategic Development and Public Relations Unit

of the Central Board of the State Border Guard,

phone  67075617, e-mail: ginta.skangale@rs.gov.lv