FOTO: Atturētie migranti

Over the past weekend, border guards, in cooperation with State Police officials, detained three Ukrainian citizens for transporting persons who illegally crossed the state border and prevented 13 persons from illegally crossing the state border.

On Friday, February 28, border guards received information from State Police officials providing support in the enhanced border surveillance regime that a Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross vehicle driven by a Ukrainian citizen had been stopped in Krāslava Municipality. During an inspection of the vehicle, five persons of Asian origin were established inside the vehicle without valid travel documents.

While on Sunday, March 2, border guards received information from State Police officials that an Audi vehicle, which failed to stop, was being pursued on the P69 road in the Augšdaugava Municipality. During the pursuit, several persons got out the vehicle. When the police managed to stop the Audi, two Ukrainian citizens were established inside it. Border guards inspected the area and detected eight individuals of Asian origin without valid travel documents.

Criminal proceedings were initiated against the Ukrainian citizens under Article 285(1)2) and 3) of the Criminal Law for knowingly ensuring persons the possibility to reside illegally in the Republic of Latvia, if such the possibility was ensured for two or more persons in one case, and for providing a large number of persons, i.e. at one time more than five persons, with a possibility to reside illegally in the Republic of Latvia - in the other case.

13 personas atturētas no nelikumīgas valsts robežas šķērsošanas saskaņā ar  2024. gada 12. marta Ministru kabineta rīkojumu Nr.184 “Par pastiprināta robežapsardzības sistēmas darbības režīma izsludināšanu”.

13 persons were prevented from illegally crossing the state border in accordance with Cabinet Order No. 184 of March 12, 2024 “Regarding Declaration of the Reinforced Operating Regime of the Border Guarding System”.

Prepered by

Jolanta Babiško